Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ghost Shrimp

Adult Ghost Shrimp
The ghost shrimp, is a common name for many freshwater and brackish living shrimp.The ones sold in aquariums are  Palaemonentes paludosus. They are commonly known as the American glass shrimp or ghost shrimp, or sometimes, because of a dialectical confusion with Asian dealers, as grass shrimp. It is native to the Southern United States. These shrimp are transparent, and are a schooling species. They walk on the bottom of the tank picking up scraps of food. They make excellent tank cleaners. They live for about 2 years and grow to about 1 inch.

Tank Requirements and Information
  • Large shrimp may become aggressive to smaller ones so a suitable amount of shrimp is no more than 1 shrimp per gallon / 4 L of water. It is recommendable to keep them in lower concentration in aquariums smaller than 10 gallon/ 40 L. 
  • Make sure you provide them with plenty of hiding places.
  • Keep ghost shrimp with non aggressiveness live bearers such as platies or mollies unless you want to feed your shrimp to your fish.
  • Make sure they have a heater. The temperature should be about 65-80 degrees F.
  • They are easy to breed but the fry are hard to raise. The females carry pinkish eggs on their belly. The fry are very small and therefor will not eat lark chunks of fish food. Try grinding up the fish flakes or even try feeding them infusoria, micro-organisms found in pond and stream water.
  • It sometimes helps if you put a pinch of salt in the water.
  • They prefer slightly acidic water, or neutral ph.

Adult Ghost Shrimp and Baby Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp are great to add to an aquarium with docile fish. They will keep the aquarium happy, healthy, and clean.If you really want a challenge, try breeding them. Who knows? Maybe you will be successful!


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